Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chasing Romeo

The thing that most impressed me about "Chasing Romeo" was that, throughout the book it interested me because I can relate to it in so many ways. "Chasing Romeo" was a book about how three girls all liked the same boy and he only liked one of them out of the three. So their friendship was slowly fallen apart. The thing that least impressed me or I found frustrating in the book was how the boys just used the girls for one thing and just left them. The character that was most memorable was Anjenai because she was the one that the boy liked out of the three. Some facts that I learned from reading "Chasing Romeo"  was that you can't trust most boys because they only use girls for one thing and one thing only and just leave them for some other girl! The conclusions that I can draw about people or society from this book is that people are very sneaky and deceitful! This book also reminds me of my own personal experience because the incident in the book when the three girls all liked that one particular dude, happened to some of my friends last year. And their friendship was tore apart because of the guy only picking one of them out of the three and the best friends got jealous and they stoped being friends with her!